The Rules of Engagement: You're engaged, now what?
Congratulations on your engagement! This is an exciting time in your life. Here are some steps to consider after getting engaged: 1. **Celebrate** : Take some time to enjoy this special moment with your partner. Have a romantic dinner, go out for a special date, or have a small celebration with close friends and family. Believe me, take this time before all the wedding planning begins, you will be grateful that you did! 2. **Announce Your Engagement** : Share the news with your family and close friends. Consider making personal calls or visits to those who are most important to you. Then, you can share the news with a wider audience through social media if you wish. Remember, your Mom (any other significant figure in your life!) will not want to read this from Facebook before telling her yourself! I know from personal experience! Whew, that took some time to get over! 3. **Set a Date (or a Range)** : You don't need to set an exact date right away, but having a general idea of when ...